For 10,000 years, human history has been about men, and their wars. A little about art and religion was thrown in, but not much. In the 19th century, that all changed.

The qualities of compassion and cooperation, in which women excel, are more in tune with the rapid evolution of the planet’s consciousness than the aggressive, competitive qualities of men. The planet’s consciousness has changed a great deal in the last hundred years. In 1916, war was the default method of solving disputes between nations. Today, one hundred years later, civilized people consider war an aberration. Once the current crop of old men who run the planet die off, the more enlightened generations taking their place will be increasingly less likely to send other people’s children to their deaths on the battlefield. The old men who disproportionately fill our governments and corporate boardrooms grew up in a milieu of male supremacy. They believe that humanity is destined to continue the racist, sexist, nationalistic culture of their fathers, one of “might makes right” and “the survival of the fittest.” In that old, dying culture, it made sense that women would take a second-class position. Fortunately, women, and a few men, have embraced compassion as the default approach to people unlike themselves.

A world filled with compassionate people is our future. Progressive people around the world are demanding that xenophobia, sexism, racism and every other form of prejudice be consigned to history. If you accept the oneness of humanity, you are moving us forward toward that future. If you prefer that humanity be broken up into warring tribes, then you are holding us back.

Thanks for reading,
